One World (Birthday)

Today is New Years Day 2021. I'm taking the day to write up ideas for the theme and branding of the event which can inform an invitation. I believe we should start sending out invitations to people we know today, which give us two weeks before the launch event.

VIMEO 505665779 Wikipedia's 20th Birthday Open Space


We are proposing the following unifying theme for a celebratory happening for Wikipedia's 20th Birthday on January 15th, 2021: - One World - Many Voices

The event will be organised as an Open Space event which we will organise online. This givens anyone the space and ability to bring their own theme and voice to the programme. Just turn up and propose your idea for a session on the day.


We imagine a cake, with 20 candles. Perhaps we have 20 breakout sessions and ask a facilitator from each space to blow out a candle. We make it a celebration.

We build on this years Wiki's Silver Jubilee and invite the same crowd, but now with others we know and have met.

Introductory Talk

One World - Many Voices (introduction?)


These birthday sessions are suggested, fluid and not fixed. Breakout sessions can be large or small. Bring your own topic.

Perhaps we can imagine Six spaces, each of which can have their own sessions. We look simply to organise if we can six speakers to lead a session during the day. Of course we do not need all six, this just gives us an architecture that we can use to organise content graphically using colour coding.

- World: One World or neighbourhoods and systems thinking.

- Knowledge: Many Truths or local news on wiki

- Governance: Many Voices

- Action: Many Problems where wiki and wiki-data can help.

- Tools: Many Tools we can build with and integrate into the wiki ecosystem.

Those of you writing in wiki, you could help by forking this page and outlining the topic of the session you would like to hold.


We seek a simple event, to take part along side other events that are happening. Our aim is to invite people to take part in the follow up which we will arrange as a series of weekly wiki dojo style activities.

# See also