Agile Learning Cycle

Agile Teaching implies short cycles of learning that are able to adapt to the context (the educational environment). This rhythm is comprises of a number of nested cycles. We can imagine mapping these cycles roughly to the familiar daily, weekly, monthly and annual rhythms.

# Pod Cycle

Based on previous experience we focus on weekly iterations that build up to a course of between 6 and 10 weeks. We call this "course" a pod cycle. As a rough rule of thumb we look to have each pod cycle last for as many weeks as there are pod members.

This temporal structure is complemented with an approach to the learning style of each pod. This soft culture is the meaningful aspect of the agile learning experience, which we find described by Thompson Morrison as learning cycles.

# Context A core component of the Academy Methodology comes from learning derived in part via the practice of Agile Project Management. The appreciation of rhythm in structuring this practice is a core part of our shared Learning Garden.

DOT FROM wiki-map

# Making a start

We look to make a new start with regard to the practice of agile learning by introducing a clearer and more adaptable cyclical structure to the learning pods. Pod Club focusses on exploring together a podcast or similar short media piece, and lends itself quite clearly to the cyclical structure described on this page.