A podcast is an episodic series of spoken word digital audio files that a user can download to a personal device for easy listening. Streaming applications and podcasting services provide a convenient and integrated way to manage a personal consumption queue across many podcast sources and playback devices - wikipedia
Here we look to document and curate podcasts in wiki. See examples: - In Our Time
# Dojo podcasts
A great deal of focus over the past couple of months has been on developing infrastructure, techniques, and code to support a new form of podcast - we could call this Wikicast. The aim is to use this infrastructure in conjunction with the current wiki dojo and Wikimentary.

files]] that a user can [[download
- wikimedia
Podcasts combine elaborate and artistic sound production with thematic concerns ranging from scientific research to Slice of life journalism. Many podcast series provide an associated website with links and show notes, guest biographies, transcripts, additional resources, commentary, and even a community forum dedicated to discussing the show's content.
# Long form podcasts
The Longform Podcast has a great example of show notes which give timed place marks for parts within each podcast. These topics are then linked to articles or web pages for further reading. For Pod Club we are explore this type of interface to help listener-annotation before/during/after a pod club meets up to discuss the podcast.
curio.io is a podcast variant which uses professional voice-actors to read articles from publications which produce in-depth, long-form journalism which is well suited to being read aloud as a podcast.
Articles are available in an app or web-player (like Spotify), embedded next to the original web article (in an audio player) or standalone web page such as this Salon article about Star Wars - which is suitable to share as a link in social media.
An example of the curio.io embedded player in the FT website is an article about blockchain's brave new world
Audm also performs a similar role to curio.io, hear an example: Estonia story at Newyorker
# Cost and motivation The cost to the consumer is low. While many podcasts are free to download, some are underwritten by corporations or sponsored, with the inclusion of commercial advertisements. In other cases, a podcast could also be a business venture supported by some combination of a paid subscription model, advertising or product delivered after sale.
People are motivated to create a podcast for a number of reasons. The podcast producer, who is often the podcast host as well, may wish to express a personal passion, increase professional visibility, enter into a social network of influencers or influential ideas, cultivate a community of like-minded viewership, or put forward pedagogical or ideological ideas (possibly under philanthropic support).
Because podcast content is often free or, at the very least, affordable for the average podcast consumer, podcasting is often classified as a Disruptive innovation Media (communication), which is adverse to the maintenance of traditional Revenue model. Long-running podcasts with a substantial back catalogue are amenable to Binge-watching.
# Sections
# See also