
__Wikidata__ is a multilingual knowledge graph hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation. It is a source of open data that anyone can use under a public domain license. Wikidata is powered by the software Wikibase - wikipedia

# Concept

Wikidata is a document-oriented database, focused on items, which represent topics, concepts, or objects. Each item is allocated a unique, persistent identifier, a positive integer prefixed with the upper-case letter Q, known as a "QID". This enables the basic information required to identify the topic that the item covers to be translated without favouring any language - wikipedia

Examples of items include .

Item labels need not be unique. For example, there are two items named "Elvis Presley": represents his Elvis Presley (album).

HTML5 webm Wikidata Birthday Celebration at Kerala - wikimedia

But the label and the description text needs to be unique together. So, an Item is related with a unique identifier (''QID''). An identifier is linked to a pair: a label and a description, to dissolve any ambiguity.

Item types are general and lexemes.

# Main parts

Fundamentally, an item consists of: - wikipedia

A layout of the four main components of a phase-1 Wikidata page: the label, description, aliases and interlanguage links.

- wikimedia

- Obligatorily, an identifier (the QID), related to a label and a description. - Optionally, multiple aliases and some number of statements (and their properties and values).

# Sections

# See also