Wiki Birthday

From March 25, 1995 to March 25, 2014: That's 19 years of Wiki History, so Welcome Visitors. The following are some ways you too can celebrate this year's Wiki Birthday.

Birthday Cakes

Help us promote wikis!! See below and add your name and birthday wish, if you'd like, here:

Поздравляю! (Никита Малышев, Russia Perm)

С днём рождения, Вики. (Бариев, Днепропетровск, Украина)

Happy Birthday! (Prinka, Russia)

Happy birthday Wiki (Ajay Danait, Bangalore)

С праздником Вика, мно�о не пей! (Sand, Asstrakhan City)

С праздником Wiki и всех всех всех! (Artem, Astrakhan, It)

С 16-тилетием!) (Ilya, Moscow, Russia)

hb, wiki!

Ре�ардс! Спасибо!

Поздравляю и СПАСИБО (nibulogs, Khimki, Russia)

HB! One of the best projects ever! (Kro, St.Petersburg, Russia)

Happy birthday!!! (Odintsovo, Russia)

хэппи бёздай)) *взял кусочек торта*

the digi-ether wouldn't be the same without the possibilities of flying. thank you for the structured anarchy. -ghostwunder

(W)hat (I) (K)now (I)s ... you're 16... sweet! Live it up! Congrats to everyone making Wiki better everyday!

維基生日快樂。(Boyd Zhang, Trento, Italy)

Хэпи берздэй прекрасный помощник студенту)

Happy birthday, Wiki! Be cool and stay tuned :) (Stas Androsik, Belarus)

С днюхой!

维基生日快乐! —刘江(Liu Jiang, 中国/China

С днем рождения!

Happy birthday! Андрей Шитов

круто редактировать можно уже 16 лет!!! позравляю! анонимно ли это?

yep, happy birthday!

The boys and girls of the Kempleton Clubhouse wiki community thank you and wish you a happy birthday! -W. Hall

З днем народження!!! Море рублів і щоб ніколи не висів:) (Грицаюк Віталій)

Tug'ilgan kuning biln Wi Ki!!!!

Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!(Dima,moscow)

Happy birthday Wikipedia! :D Thanks to Ward Cunningham for that wonderful idea, you really great! (Russia; Lil_okey)

Поздравляю!(AMur, Кур�ан)

С днем рождения (Дима, Нижневартовск)

С днюхой вики! (from Estonia)

Hpp BD!!! frm Mscw (Rss)

Поздравляю! (Антоха, уфа)

Happy B-day! Thanks for your greatest work! From Latvia with love.

Поздравляю! Успехов вам (Туманов Александр, Ekaterinburg, Russia.)

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!! Timothy Sircularius

Amar mende khurygenem Wiki! Good luck! Bayar, Southeast Siberia.

Поздравляю :* (Россия,Самара)

Happy Birthday! (Илья, Дубна)

FUCK YEA! HB! (Shen.)

С днем варенья! -) (Мехрон, Moscow)


Поздравляю! (СТЕПАН ГАВРИЛЬЕВ, Москва)


'''Birthday Congrats and Wishes

Wiki is cool! Happy Birthday! (Артем Форкунов)


С ДР! :)

Поздравляю, Успехов (Андрей, Москва)

С днем рождения, Wiki (Андрей, Краснодар)

С Днем Рождения!!! From Undles Tsal :P

С днем рождения! *Lukita*

С днём Рождения, Wiki !!!!!!! (Роман, Алма-Ата, Казахстан)

С днём Рождения, Wiki! Happy birthday! (Аркадий, Уральск, Казахстан)

C днём рождения!! (Иван, Красноярск, Россия)

Happy Birthday! -kotra (Portland, OR, USA)

inboxer - Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday! Thank you for one of the greatest idea in the internet (Siberia)

Поздравляю, мно�ие читают Вики, но не все помо�ают. Пусть больше будет редакторов (Александр, Харьков, Украина)

Поздравляю! респект!!

Кон�ратулэйшнз! Все круто, ребята! ;)

С Днем Рождения!!! Нико�да не стареть!!!)))) (Александр. Беларусь, Брест)

Happy birthday! Stay cool! You made an internet a better place!

Happy Birthday, Wiki! Xa, Moscow, Russia

Happy B-Day for the today's Internet! (Alex Fergard, Russia)

HB2U Wiki!(Oleg, Ukraine)

с др! (sprite)

З днем народження, Вікі! (Стас)

C ДР!!! (Neluboff)

Ха! С днюхой, Вики! (Spb, Russia) (Тихон Т.)

Happy Birthday! You made the world better!

Many happy wishes! From Russia with love =) (Russia, Samara)

Уиии :) Всех бла�!

Long live Wiki!

Happy Birthday Wiki, Thank you for all! (Ekaterinburg, Russia)

Happy B'Day!!! :) Best wishes from Armenia! (Aram T.)

Happy Birthday Wiki, we love you!!!

Happy Birthday Wiki, keep it going, congrats from Moldova.

Happy Birthday, Wiki! Alex


Happy birthday!! From Russia with love!

еее))....с днём рождения wiki))..712

с днем рождения! zomboko

Haaaaaaaappy Birthday! Best wishes from St. Petersubrg!

From Russia with love! Al Timin

С днем рождения Вики! Россия.


Вітаю з днем народження, Wiki!)) Ukraine loves you!

Happy Birthday wiki! - Котульский В.А. Киев

С днем народження Wiki! =)) With Love From Ukraine - Kyrychenko P.V. 03.25.11 21:44:00

happy birtday wiki! RF

С днём рождения вики! Беларусь

Sən olmasaydın biz internetdə necə obirilərini "neprav" cıxardardıq? Ad günün mübarək! From Baku, Azerbaijan,

Happy Birthday,Wiki! From Moldova,

Happy birtday Wiki! - VJ

Happy Birthday! Из России!

Všetko najlepšie k "šestnástke", Wiki! - Insomnya

С днем рождения WIKI! Из Костромы!

С днем рождения WIKI! От всей России!

Congrats from BRASIL!! And thank you! Jacque Briquet

С Днем Рождения Вики! - Alex Baranov

C днем рождения !!! Oleg Shafer

Happy Birthday Wiki from Russia!!! - Akky Feimov

Happy Birthday Wiki! Great future to you! - Danila Chebykin

I was just 3 years old ^__^. Congratulations! - Alex Koliada

Вики - ты лучше всех! - Oleg iDeBugger Smirnov

Happy Birthday Wiki from Russia!1! - Mihail Filimonov

С Днем Рождения Wiki! Happy Birthday!!! - Pavel Sharudo

Happy Sweet 16! -Matt

Happy Birthday Wiki! From Kalinkevich Vitaliy.

Wish you a wonderful birthday. From your big fun, Chee Chin (@twiliew)

Happy birthday and long live Wiki! Xanf

Happy birthday and thank you. Mef.

has it been 16 years? Rick De Natale who was apparently the first of the Visitors In Ninety Five

Happy Birthday.. wishes from S Jadon

congrats to Ward and d wikiteam, thanks for bringing a revolution to the web... kayode yussuf

pankaj kumar yadav

Sidharta Surya Kusnanto :3

Happy birthday! from habr

What a good idea you are, Mr. and Ms. Wiki, says Michael Andersen. He means it.

You're 16? Wow! Happy Birthday! Alex Williams

I wish I still remembered my 16th birthday! - Jason S.

Happy Birthday! Ross Mayfield

Congrats Ward and everyone! Mike Ivanov

Rob Kamp as always a good starting point for all kinds of information. Now on to the next 0x10 years.

Happy 16 from Sak Jur

Happy Birthday wiki! - FS

Happy Birthday wiki! - Vasilisko

Happy Birthday wiki :) - RR

Happy Birthday Wiki! Still the most interesting innovation on the Internet. - Kevin Makice

Happy Birthday Wiki! On lots of different platforms! - Aldon Hynes

Thank you Ward Cunningham. I'm just another person standing on your shoulders. - Chris Whitten, creator of Wiki Answers and Wiki

Happy 16TH! - Joel Gluck - Vermont. first introduced to Wikis by the folks at the Ga Tech GVU Lab years ago.

happy birthday and thank you. Joshua5.

happy birthday and keep up the work.. Shahezad Virani @smartshahezad

Happy birthday just be! - WishMasterTS

Happy wikibirthday! @Elitre -, also celebrating 10 years of Wikipedia

Happy birthday Use Mod Wiki -- from your little brother, Media Wiki

Happy Wikibirthday -- from Legion

Happy wikibirthday! - your concept has helped transform how our organisation works @redmedicine

Happy Birthday, wiki! -plin2s

Happy Birthday wiki, you changed the world! -Mark Crane

Does this mean Wiki can legally drive in the US now? ;-) -Michael Leach

Happy Bday Wiki - Kendra Morley, Ottawa, Canada

Happy B-Day Wiki! - From all of us who must remain Anonymous...

Muy Feliz Cumpleanos!! realmente apreciamos este trabajo. Felicidades!. Alexis Buonasena

Happy Sweet 16! - Eugene Eric Kim

Best wishes, behind the curve as usual. :) -- Llywrch

Thank you for this beautiful gift. -- Jack Herrick

Happy Birthday fram my iPad :-)

Happy Birthday from Saint Petersburg, Russia.

My site edited with almost the true original editor son of Use Mod, Odd Muse Thanks Ward -- Phil Hilsz

Happy birthday old friend. You revolutionized the web and my life. -- Seth Rees

Happy Wikibirthday, thank you Ward. -- Dave Crosby

Joyeux anniversaire ! « Wikipintouch » ! — Fred Mir

Wikis encourage the environment that keeps the Web alive. The wiki concept's made its way to 2^4 years. Here's to it reaching at least 2^7. —Nihiltres

Wiki Wiki Happy Happy Birthday and Many Many more! ~ Wiki~ The heirloom of Open Source! -- Teresa Boze

Happy Sweet 16, & thnx Ward Cunningham for giant step in realizing the two-way, multi-way web! - Mark Szpakowski

Hey, Happy Birthday to you! Biiiig thanks for making this unique instrument, the Wiki, possible :) - Yuri Gorshkov

Happy Birthday! Thank you for helping us during these years! - Lex Kozyrev

Happy Birthday, с днём рождения! —Vitaly M.

Happy Birthday, Wiki!) - Pavel Dadykin

Happy Birthday, с днём рождения! Best Wishes. Wiki is awesome - Eltyshev Evgeny

Gratz Wiki - HeiD

Congratulations! - Denis Koroskin

Happy Birthday Wiki! - Bill R.

Happy Birthday Wiki! Төрөөбут күҥҥнэн Вики! Nyurgun Spiridonov

Happy Birthday Wiki! С шестнадцатилетием! Dmitri Suvorov

Happy Birthday Wiki! Eugene Isaev!

С Днем Рождения Wiki! Happy Birthday Wiki! Misha Aksenov

Хеппи Бездеёф WIKI! Happy Birthday Wiki! Gelios

Gratz! Thanks for Wiki! - CoByX

Happy Birthday Wiki! - Alex Chernov

C Днём Рождения WIKI! - Kirill Ŝetinnikov

З днем народження Вікі! - Ilya Nechay

!Happy Birthday Wiki! - Nemo082

GR8 job, keep on going, happy birthday!!! - tushkanchik

Congretz from Ukarein! - megas

Happy B'day, WIKI!!! Best wishes!

C Днём Рождения WIKI! - Anton Tipunov

Happy Birthday Wiki! - Aleksandr Evdokimov

Su gimtadieniu ;) - Swain

С Днем Рождения, Совершеннолетием и о�ромное спасибо от всех студентов! zax

Happy birthday, wiki! From Russia with Love <3

С днем рождения! Спасибо за wiki. — Gadzhi Gadzhiev

Вики, с днём рождения! 2^2^2 - это круто! Павел Данилов

HB !

С Днём Рождения! - Валеев Александр

З Днем Народження Wiki! Вінниця.

Happy Birthday Wiki!

for(i=0;i<32767;i++)print("Happy B-day Wiki! --top");

Happy Birthday, Wiki! Andrey Parkhomenko, Sumy, Ukraine.

С Днем рождения, вика! from Silentium

И от Димки Олейника поздравления идут Вики!

Happy birthday wiki! We love you! - Pinkiz from Lithuania

Поздравляю, ваша работа нужна! Александр З.

Поздравляю :Devel

Feliz Aniversário ( Brazil )

Happy Birthday, Wiki!

Happy Birthday from Nizhny Novgorod, Russia! =)

Поздравляю! Кирилл К. aka Binocl :3

Мае віншаванне, Вікі! Іван Анціпаў, Менск, Беларусь

Happy Birthday, Wiki!! (Serhi S. aka Skromnjaga, Ukraine)

Bon Anniversaire Wiki! (Kristin W, Portland, OR (US)

Атлична-атлична, больше вики, треша и у�ара, например!

Happy birthdaaay :D (Russia, Krasnoyarsk)

and from Khnaty-Mansiysk

Happy Birthday Wiki =) (Shabi, Russia, Irkutsk)

Happy Birthday, Wiki Wiki, Ward Cunningham started Wikis here 19950325, it is one of his finest contributions to the internet, to it, all wikis owe their gratitude!! -- Donald Noyes, proud to be a 10 year veteran.

Happy birthday, Wiki! - Portland Wiki, Portland, Oregon

С Днем Рождения! Митрич из Сибири (Happy Birthday! Mitrich from Siberia)

С Днём Рождения :3 (Е�ор,Россия,Калу�а)

С днем рождения! *Санкт-Петербур�*

С Днем Рождения! Коллектив

Поздравляю, Вики! ) Мы рады, что ты с нами ) (Тимур, Россия, �.Оренбур�)

Happy Birthday, from Russia with love =* (Roman)

С 16тилетием, Wiki! (Гри�оре, Nizhniy Novrogod, Russia)

З днем народження, Wiki! (Україна, Рівненська область, Остро�)

Грац! Спасибо за Wiki! #GMStaff


Bon aniversari!! :) (Enric, Barcelona)

Happy Birthday! /// dimon222

С денюхой Вики!

Спасибо за все �ода проведеные с нами)))

С Днём Рождения! З Днем Народження! Happy Birthday! And thank you! --EUvin, Sevastopol, Ukraine

С Днём рождения, Wiki! (Valeriy, Ufa, Russia)

Википедия, ты крута несмотря ни на что, с праздником! (Distortriver, Tolyatti, Russia)

Спасибо за счастливое детство! la.sintez

Happy Birthday, Wiki! ~simon

Радости всем вам ребятки, ну и мне! ~boston, Раша, Сурово�ородецк

Поздравляю Wi Ki)))! (ШереГеда Н.)

Happy birthday, Wiki, the best in the future (Vitaliy Yermolenko, Zhitomir)

Мои искренние поздравления!!! (Россия, Нижний Нов�ород, Верхние Печёры).

Happy new Birthday)

С днюхой! (Сер�ей, Шахты, Россия)

Туул�ан күнүң менен, Wiki! (sweedbes, Бишкек, Кыр�ызстан)


Поздравляем! (didan group,

Happy Birthday 16 Wiki!

С днем рождения! (Виктор П., Russia)

Please accept my congratulations on the 16 th anniversary of Technology Wiki!!! User:Stauffenberg from Russian Wikipedia, Smolensk, Russia.

Happy Wiki Birthday (wg, Northern Russia)

OLOLO HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111 from Ukraine

Happy birthday, Wiki! (kettari from Moscow, Russia)

HB! ;)

Happy birthday! (Ilya, Russia)

Sweet 16, dear Wiki! Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday! (mgs640, Russia)

С днем варенья, любимый вики! (Iliena, Ukraine)

HB Wiki, and thank you Ward Cunningham for changing our world! (Paolo Perrotta, Italy)

Happy birthday Wiki! Ward Cunningham generously wrote code to help Patterns authors and in so doing, changed the world. -Joshua Kerievsky

Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum 16ten Geburtstag Wiki.

It's been a while since I've been here but I've never not felt its influence - Martin Fowler

The great small idea, with such a HUGE impact - Dave Thomas

La mulţi ani, Wiki! Mulţumesc Ward Cunningham. (Ioan Vîntoiu, România)

생일 축하합니다! Ward's Wiki has been one of the greatest influences on my life. --June Kim

عيد ميلاد �عيد ويكي -Khaled Almahallawy, Egypt

Happy Birthday Wiki, Feliz Aniversário Wiki. My works had been amazing because of your technology ;-D (Enrico, Brazil)

Happy Birthday! I wish you every success! (Denny, Russia)

Happy B! (Kate, St-Petersburg, Russia)

С Днем Уарэнья! Wiki рулит! listopad.oleh

Happy Birthday.

Happy anniversary! Good luck in your really great business. (Robert, Russia)

З Днем нараджэння! Жадаю каб усё было яшчэ больш Wiki! Happy b-day! (Eugeni from Belarus!)

Happy Birthday (Rae from Brisbane)

Happy Bday!thanks alot (snickky from Russia)

C Днем рождения!|Happy Birthday! (Pavel, Russia)

Happy birthday! С днём рождения! おはようございます! Срећан рођендан! :) (eng, rus, jap, srb) (,,

Happy birthday, wiki! (Elena, Moscow)

Happy birthday! (Kirill from Russia)

Поздоровляю з днем народження! (Nazar, Ukraine(Lviv))

Thanks Ward. Wiki is the soul of so called web2.0. Thanks for giving it birth, Civicsense

A day late but not less cheerful. Thank you Ward for changing the way I see the internet. Cheers [[Karsten Hoffmeyer]], March 26, 2012

Happy birthday, wiki! It's amazing how much you've changed the internet. :) ~ Isabelle Zita, US, March 26, 2013

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Celebrate today as it is the 16th birthday of Wiki!!

An idea a few of us had was to encourage people to give their birthday wishes at the original wiki. We checked with active community members there and they thought it was a great idea too!

There is a facebook page linked off of their too - where Ward had this to say: "Best to anyone who ever made a wiki better. Thanks. -- Ward"

If so inclined -- please sign the page, tweet, facebook, write a weblog post or otherwise share this fine day!

Past wishes: Dear Ward, happy Birthday to your divine mindchild, now 14 years old -- Fridemar Pache

See original on