We believe that wiki is at the heart of the idea and practice of neighbourhood. We look to engage local communities in the practice of using wiki to strengthen their effectiveness.
# Wiki and local news
We look to invite local newspapers to work with us in order to help engage local citizens in causes and projects they are passionate about.
Practically we see the following overlaps: - Local News and News on Wiki. Creating Wikipedia pages regarding local new outlets with Pete Forsyth.
# Wiki and the Environment
There are a number of ways that local communities can relate to the central theme of Wiki and the Environment. This includes in particular supply chain and [sustainability]] mapping.
- Wiki Supply Chain Monitoring. Engaging local communities in supply chain monitoring, and providing wikidata for living documents regarding complex supply chain issue.
# Community Obeya Room There are also strong overlaps between wiki and the project to create a local Community Obeya Room. This project can pilot a wide range of community discusssions, including environmental issues.
- Mapping Local Neighbourhoods using a Community Obeya Room in association with local community organisations to link their expertise to complex systems problems that affect them.
- Building local community Obeya Mobile applications that allow communities to come together to collect data and experience their interconnectivity.