A __community obeya room__ would act as a local democracy, engagement and empowerment space with the ability to hold discussions, music, art live performance and screenings together with a unique form of participatory deliberation supported by the practices and technology built into the space.
This space needs to be sustainable. It is designed to finance itself energetically, and financially. It is designed to be autonomous, and self-financing. It aspires to use a form of Social Enterprise Financing.
This image shows an original sketch for CHECO, for CHilean ECOnomic simulator) that the government could use to forecast the possible outcome of economic decisions. We can imagine a low cost version of such a space that implements the functionality with readily available hardware and software.
# Participative Democracy
We design how such a space can act as a location for new forms of community work that extend and integrate practices such as: - Design Charrettes and Planning for Real - Project Cycle Managment - Unconference and Open Space Meetings - Participatory Budgeting and Citizen Assemblies
We imagine providing physical and digital tools that facilitate such practice. We believe that a number of core Learning Patterns lay at the heart of these methodologies, and that the community obeya room, can become an invaluable focus for community education and life-long learning initiatives.
We see the community obeya room at the heart of neighbourhood mapping exercises such as the Neighborhood VSM Survey.
# Obeya Visualisations We are currently in the process fo designing software and visual representations purpose built for participatory practice, and the narrative function of the obeya studio. We anticipate providing such visualisation through tools we integrate into the Obeya Mobile application, and made available widely through the federation.