Walking Wiki

Wiki is often conceived as something we do while sitting in front of a computer. There is no reason for this assumption, other than that is the way it has been until recently due in large part to technological limitations of mobile devices in terms of media creation.

Here we describe the process of writing in wiki while walking. We have experimented with doing this over a number of years now, and are about to begin the process of trying new ways of doing this in the context of the working of a home studio and the obeya room.

# Making coffee Why can't we write in wiki while making coffee? The most obvious reason is the interface. How would we interact? We are engaged in answering this question with regard to the development of the Obeya Mobile application.

The challenge we set is how we would author new wiki content in a number of mobile scenarios: - Firstly while walking around the kitchen, cooking or making breakfast. - Secondly, while walking in a park, through the streets of your neighbourhood, or on holiday. - Thirdly, while engaged in filming a podcast, or interacting with a community in a community setting in what we have called the community obeya room.

# Earbuds The interaction we are proposing is that we listen to audio from wiki, and are able to interact with wiki by pausing this audio and recording new audio directly into wiki. We imagine limiting this interaction simply to single clicks on earbuds.

# Camera and action We expect to also provide the ability to use the camera and to interact with the mobile touchscreen to provide more conventionally understood interactions made possible by smart phones.