Træfik (pronounced like traffic) is a modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer made to deploy microservices with ease. It supports several backends (Docker, Swarm mode, Kubernetes, Marathon, Consul, Etcd, Rancher, Amazon ECS, and a lot more) to manage its configuration automatically and dynamically -

Traefik architecture
# Supported backends - Docker / Swarm mode - Kubernetes - Mesos / Marathon - Rancher (API, Metadata) - Consul / Etcd / Zookeeper / BoltDB - Eureka - Amazon ECS - Amazon DynamoDB - File - Rest API
YOUTUBE RgudiksfL-k GopherCon 2017 - Lightning Talk: Emile Vauge - Effective ingress traffic management with Traefik
# Features - It’s fast - No dependency hell, single binary made with go - Tiny official docker image - Rest API - Hot-reloading of configuration. No need to restart - Circuit breakers, retry - Round Robin, rebalancer load-balancers - Metrics (Rest, Prometheus, Datadog, Statd) - Clean AngularJS Web UI - Websocket, HTTP/2, GRPC ready - Access Logs (JSON, CLF) - Let’s Encrypt support (Automatic HTTPS with renewal) - Proxy Protocol support - High Availability with cluster mode (beta)
# See also
- AWS Lambda - Azure Functions - Google Cloud Function - Serverless Framework - Traefik, Kubeless and Istio - GitLab Serverless and Knative