Atopia Server

The Atopia Server is a federation server that dates back to the second era of the federation. It serves a large number of sites, and is hosted on Digital Ocean.

# Recent Atopia Activity

The active roster below tries to show all the activity in the last week on the Atopia server. The roster is indirectly generated from combining information regarding all known domains on the Atopia Server, and Ward's index of changes across the entire federation over the last week.


This roster provides us a reasonable but not definitive view of recent Atopia activity over the last 7 days.

# Active Server Roster

Below we display a programatically generated active roster of all the wiki domains on the Atopia Server.



Due to the purposefully minimal state of the fedwiki server, and our choice to run a number of open wiki farms, scripts have to work hard to figure out which are real domains with active pages. We aim to slowly improve the quality of this index.

# Cached Index

To reduce the processing load so that we can refer to our rosters in many places in the federation, we create static json stores and rosters of domains on this server here:

# Federation Scrape

We hope to define some standards so that farm hosters can provide searchable indexes of the federation such as Ward's ruby sitemap scrape.

# See also