Sound Garden is a project to collect and curate sounds from around the world, and plant them in a new musical space, a new form of commons that reflects all our voices.
It is a commons, and we invite the whole world to help us steward and protect these sounds so that creative people. are free to use, remix and create.
It is a slow work. Both an archive and a slow-jam which will the sounds, spoken word and field recordings are layered, mixed and evolve over 265 days - from Earth Day to Earth Day. Each and every one of us is invited to create and tend their own garden. We are one, we are individual we are a collective.
# Playing Sound Garden
You can Play Sound Garden on any website through a simple link -
The Sound Garden is live -
Or (as above) we can use the HTML5 audio object in wiki, of embed an iframe: HEIGHT 400
# As the sun travels As the sunrise travels around the world on Earth Day, we celebrate it with sound. We start sunrise in New Zealand, and every hour we respond and remix, based on the sounds and performances that arise.
We being with readings from Silent Spring, and slowly add live vocal performances. Over the 48 hours we look to create a sonic landscape, an ecosystem of sound.
We improvise throughout the day in a slow jam, building on each other and the topics and conversations and sounds that come in as the sun rises on Earth Day at different locations around the world.
# How to get involved
The structure and shape of this garden, will emerge as it grows. But we need Gardeners. Permaculture stewards who can let things be where they want to be, so that we create an ecosystem of sound.
We need the following types of help. 1. Sound Scouts 1. Sound Guardians 1. People to plant Sound Seeds 1. Gardeners - tending the sounds and playlists
# Sound Guardians
Sound Guardians welcome people to WhatsApp Groups, or the channel they are stewarding.
They keep the place safe, and hold the purpose of the group. They help collect the sounds sent to the group and teach people how to use the form to upload them. They invite people to join other groups that may form that have a theme that is more suited for that person.
# Sound Seeds
Sound Seeds are offerings that you make on Earth Day. They are about how you feel, and what you wish or care for about the planet. They may be about your fears or anger - whatever comes to you on that day that you feel you need to give voice to.
Sound seeds may also be about nature. Not just about humans, they may be for the sky, the birds, the atmosphere and air. Or the oceans, forests. Any natural voice you feel needs hearing at this time. Finally these sound seeds should be played in soil. They need to grow over time. They grow in the sunlight. With the time and care of other people around the word. Your sounds seeds should be an invitation to collaborate, to sing and remix with other sounds that people from around the world plant.
You can listen to the live radio station using the following link:
# Embeds and Links
You can embed the player on your own web site adding the following javascript to your web page:
<script src=""></script>
# Polyphonic Instrument
The sound-garden polyphonic instrument will record each component, performance, voice snippet, conversation - in its raw form - for post production and archiving purposes. All the material provided by artists under a free culture license so that we can all remix, and use the material in our own work.