
The original page is from Inger-Mette. I found the page one of the more compelling pages I have come across in the FedWiki simply because of the integration of art, music, "in person" didactics, "in person" jazz music, and narrative.

I begin to experience how Beauty, Good, Truth, and Economy can be integrated at the finest scale. Thank you Inger-Mette and David.

I added notes for a dyslexic and maps for a navigator, a simple survey, internal hyperlinks for definitions and explanations should one like to have them off to the side. I did not see an obvious opportunity for a graph. Oh maybe there is:

# Place the cursor inside "graph" to get some refactoring options digraph { layout=dot rankdir=TB overlap=false concentrate=true node [style=filled shape=box color=blue fontcolor=white] bgcolor=lightblue Good -> "?" Truth -> "? " Economy Beauty -> { Art Music "In person\njazz music" } Economy ->"In person\ndidactics" }


I do not know, yet.... I am exploring this till next Friday. The art of not knowing .... a white page to explore.

My inner voice gets better with music .... so I start by sharing one of my favorites ...as to mentally relax and to get into the quite mood of thinking beyond boxes...

YOUTUBE wAz9MmFa4TY ...a quite place for joyful being in the obeya... to connect with the sparcle of newness in generative thinking.

Learning Obeya - the wikipedia , google style of knowing - the art of finding answers. (Wikipedia )

I know that Bjarne knows more about this than me. Maybe he even knows more than wikipedia and google?

From war room - to a Caring Rooms in a Caring Place Navigating in thriving communities ..... hmmmm .... reflecting on this!

Obeya (from Japanese Ōbeya 大部屋 "large room") originated in the 90's at Toyota while building the Prius. It is considered a component of lean manufacturing and in particular the Toyota Production System.[1] Analogies have been drawn between an obeya and the bridge of a ship, a war room and even a brain.[2]

Quote from YouTube below: "The obeya is a method of communication, cross-functional cooperation, and decision-making that specifies the space, time and visual organization of information."

* Speed up communication and decision-making * Reduce silo thinking * Build trust, cooperation and team spirit Particularly useful in complex situations such as: * Strategy execution * Product development * General management of a business

Activities in Obeya * Check the current situation, target vs. actual * Identify gaps including "red" status metrics on problems * Review A3 problem analysis or issue breakdowns * Present decision-ready issues and recommended actions *Commit to actions to address top priorities from the Issues Board or A3 * Record decisions, knowledge capture or lessons learned Thanks, closing & continue cross-functional exchange as needed * Reduces unnecessary or repeated discussion * Reduces information defects between functions * Exposes assumptions and things we think we know * Enables teams to arrive at consensus faster * Creates an environment to develop leaders Visual Management


Why do we go this zen-like approach?

What is this telling us?

Why is it like this right now ...

...as it also has been in food-trends ...pure, close to nature, authentic.... what other words...

describes this inner longing ....?....

Molde, Norway 62.756389, 7.238611 62.7362370, 7.0470846 62.7343497, 7.3965631

As i live in the city of Molde - as we have the oldest jazz festival in Europe ...not biggest...quite small...

creativity and improvisation ... the dance of energy and emotions in this obeya.... taking the word plasticity back to where it belongs -> into our brain again ...

YOUTUBE mVAQl7qq-aI as we write 1st of December 2020 - I have concluded on this day that peace should be sexy ...and thriving cultures can hold the conflict of peace and war. The black and white approach to war and peace...is part of the problem and among one of many reasons "war rooms" exist.

# Michelle Friend's Institutional Compass for Molde, Norway.


Institutional Compass for Molde, Norway.



