
The FedWiki looks like a news paper. It potentially allows one to create the paper as one reads it. It allows one to write the news democratically. Rather than commenting on the news, on can write it righter and more locally and more personally--if one choses.

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What would a FedWiki News”Paper” look like?

# Sections? World / Nation / Region / State / Watershed / County / Municipality / Neighborhood

Food & Gardening

Fitness & Outdoors

Infrastructure & Engineering

Democracy, Shared Decisions, & Politics

Social Justice, Ethics, and Religion

Money, Finance, Economy, Civil Society, Government, & Business

Service, Information, Technology, Industry, Agriculture

Art, Creativity, Spirituality

Land, Ecology, Water, Weather, Climate


Education, Learning, & Action

Care and Medicine

Social Events

# Citizen Journalism Citizen Reporters Citizen Editors Citizen Photographers Citizen Graphic Artists

Conflicts of Interest: Transparency, Legal Challenges, Responsibilities

# Journalistic Principles Website * Seek Truth and Report It * Minimize Harm * Act Independently * Be Accountable and Transparent