Here we begin to describe the process of creating maps from the bottom up. Often we are interested in tackling the problem
Consists of FedWiki, Activities, Learning, Purpose
Enabled by Principles, Safe Learning Environment, Preconditions, A Place
DOT digraph HERE NODE WHERE /^Consists of / edge [label="Consists of"] LINKS HERE -> NODE WHERE /^Includes / edge [label="Include"] LINKS HERE -> NODE WHERE /^Enabled by / edge [label="Enable"] LINKS NODE -> HERE WHERE /^Part of / edge [label="Consists of"] LINKS NODE -> HERE
DOT digraph HERE NODE WHERE /^Consists of / edge [label="Consists of"] LINKS HERE -> NODE WHERE /^Includes / edge [label="Include"] LINKS HERE -> NODE WHERE /^Enabled by / edge [label="Enable"] LINKS NODE -> HERE WHERE /^Part of / edge [label="Consists of"] LINKS NODE -> HERE
# Taken From
Here we experiment with visualizing with graphviz plugin's algorithmic markup.
We look at some large graphs that were drawn to provide context to smaller relationships.