Digital News

The Reuters Institute Digital News Report aims to deliver useful and timely data about the transition to digital. Each year we bring together an annual benchmarked international survey and a series of essays which help to contextualise some of the key themes. site

This report draws inspiration from US research conducted by the Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism and its associated Internet and American Life Project – along with the Oxford Internet Institute’s bi-annual surveys of internet usage in Britain.

TV News is for Grandpa. (Reuters) Benedict Evans. twitter

Here, the combination of robust surveys and authoritative commentary has provided invaluable assistance to academics, regulators, and practitioners negotiating the transition to digital.

# Key Findings

The use of smartphones for news has jumped significantly in the past year, but tablet growth has slowed.

We see increased usage of digital-born brands that produce content for a mobile and social world.

Sales of printed newspapers have continued to fall in most countries but we no discernible increase in paid online content – or in willingness to pay.

Facebook has increased its hold on news distribution over the past year with referrals to top news sites up 42%.
